Serratiopeptidase Enzyme: Applications & Benefits
 26 November 2022

Enzymes are like little helpers that speed things up! They help in many industries, like making clothes, food, medicines, and even leather. Think of them as tiny workers that make things faster and easier. Each enzyme has its own special job! For example, Alpha Amylase breaks down starch, Cellulase helps with fibers, and Pepsin helps with digestion. One special enzyme is Serratiopeptidase. It works like a natural healer by reducing pain and swelling. This makes it very useful in medicine. Let’s learn more about this amazing enzyme and how it helps us

What is Serratiopeptidase ?

Serratiopeptidase is also referred to as Serrapeptase, which is simpler to say and keep in mind. It is a particular proteolytic enzyme whose job is to disassemble large protein chunks into smaller amino acid fragments. It is created by bacteria found in silkworms’ digestive tracts. The silkworm moth disintegrates and digests its cocoon with the aid of serrapeptase, enabling it to emerge. In the 1950s, some special enzymes like bromelain, trypsin, and chymotrypsin were already being used in the USA to help with pain and swelling. Then, in the 1960s, scientists in Japan found a new enzyme called serrapeptase in silkworms. This tiny enzyme turned out to be even better at reducing pain and swelling. A small but powerful discovery

Applications & Pros of Serratiopeptidase Enzyme.

The Serrapeptase enzyme has been linked in several investigations, and research to various claimed health advantages. The advantages of utilising Serratiopeptidase are as follows:

1. Decreasing Inflammation

Serratiopeptidase is a natural helper for pain and swelling! Dentists often suggest it for dental problems and after treatments. It helps with lockjaw and reduces pain and swelling after small surgeries like tooth removal. Studies show it works better than common painkillers like ibuprofen and is also safer to use. A tiny but powerful way to heal faster

2. Enriches Antibiotic Effectiveness And Fights Infections

When bacteria cause infections, they create a sticky shield to protect themselves from medicines. When serrapeptase is used with antibiotics, it helps break the germs’ protective shield. This makes the medicine work better and stops the infection from spreading. This is important, especially for strong germs that are hard to kill. But the serratiopeptidase enzyme works like a secret weapon! It breaks down the biofilm, making it easier for antibiotics to fight the germs and stop infections from spreading. This helps medicines work better and keeps us healthier

3.Pain Relief

Serrapeptase enzyme applications also include lessening inflammation and other types of discomfort. It offers the user relief by preventing the action of substances that cause pain. It is particularly successful at reducing ear, nose, and throat inflammation-related pain and mucus production.

4. Beneficial For Chronic Respiratory Conditions

Research shows that serrapeptase can be a breath of fresh air for people with chronic respiratory disorders (CRDs)! These include conditions like asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and pulmonary hypertension. This enzyme helps clear mucus and reduce swelling, making it easier to breathe. CRD is a long-term lung disease that cannot be cured, but this enzyme gives the lungs extra support to help with breathing. The patient’s quality of life is improved when symptoms like dilated, clear airways and enhanced mucus clearance are reduced. Serrapeptase supplementation was observed to enhance mucus clearance and lessen pulmonary inflammation.

5. Might Reduce Cardiovascular Risk

Serratiopeptidase may help stop blood clots and support heart health. It can also help with atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque builds up in the arteries.If left untreated, this may result in a stroke or heart attack. The likelihood of blood clots and plaque formation in the blood is increased by fibrin and dead tissues. Serrapeptase reduces the likelihood of blood clots and plaque formation by breaking down fibrin and dead cells in the blood.

Exercise Caution:

Taking garlic, fish oil, turmeric, and serratiopeptidase together or with blood thinners like aspirin and warfarin can cause problems. It may lead to stomach pain, nausea, coughing, bruising, or bleeding. To stay safe, always check with a doctor before mixing them


Due to its attributes, the proteolytic enzyme offers a wide range of uses and advantages. Serratiopeptidase has also been used to treat COVID-19 also. Serrapeptase enzyme’s principal use is to regulate inflammation, that’s why it plays a vital role in the pharmaceutical sector.

Ultreze makes enzymes for industries like food & beverages, animal feed, and so on, along with pharmaceuticals. The enriched quality of all enzymes is made with the industry’s guidelines and to meet the industry’s demands.

If you are looking for quality enzymes at the most reasonable price, then your search ends here! Contact Us Now!