Ultreze Enzymes

Enzymes For Waste Water Treatment


enzymes manufacturers in india
Enzymes For Waste Water Treatment
Waste Water Treatment Enzymes Manufacturer, Enzymes For Waste Water Treatment

Waste Water Treatment Enzymes Manufacturer

Water is the essence of life; with limited freshwater sources and increased pollution, access to clean water is hard. The reduced percentage available for consumption is subjected to pollution, making the water toxic and unfit to consume.


Ultreze Enzymes Private Limited has a solution to this. Being a manufacture of enzymes specializing in cleansing water, their enzymes treat water effectively. They break down organic waste and enhance water quality without compromising on the integrity of water consumed.


The enzymes reduce bacterial content, decrease odor, and are fit for long-term usage.

It is also noteworthy that the enzymes are safe for the environment and are non-toxic in nature. They have certified enzymes that have been proven to reduce the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in effluents and improve overall water quality. This solution is more cost-effective than other water purifying solutions in the market, namely, coagulation, flocculation, activated carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, photolysis, ion exchange, and advanced oxidation.


Enzyme treatment proves to be the best alternative. In particular, the enzyme oxidoreductase is the best as it catalyzes the oxidation-reduction reaction and can treat a variety of waste liquids such as dyes and phenols.  This is due to the specificity and selectivity characteristic of the enzyme.


These enzymes can also be customized to treat water in various stages of the treatment process. It can be used in both  the aerobic and anaerobic stage.

Our Processing Flow



It is a dry free flowing powder contains concentrated source of free-flowing hydrolytic enzymes and ten strains of natural bacteria that are genetically capable of producing enzymes in waste water treatment systems under aerobic and an aerobic condition. It is used for reducing BOD, COD levels as well as reducing the sludge volumes odor and color in the effluent and sewage treatment plants.

flowing hydrolytic enzymes


It is a brown coloured dry free flowing powder contains concentrated source of free-flowing hydrolytic enzymes and ten strains of natural bacteria that are genetically capable of producing enzymes in waste water treatment systems under aerobic and an aerobic condition. It is used for reducing the sludge volumes odor and color in the effluent and sewage treatment plants to get high quality fertile Manure.

Enzymes Used in Waste Water Treatment


By consuming the pectin and severing the link between the cuticle and the cotton fiber body, pectinase, as opposed to cellulase, can demolish the cotton cuticle structure. Cellulase can do this by breaking down the primary wall cellulose that is present right beneath the cotton cuticle.



The concentrated source of flowing freely hydrolytic enzymes and ten natural bacterial strains that are genetically capable of manufacturing enzymes in waste water treatment systems under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions are both included in the powder, which is brown in color and is dry and free-flowing. It is used to produce high-quality, fertile manure by lowering the sludge volume, odor, and color in sewage treatment plants.

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    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

    Enzymes commonly used in wastewater treatment include proteases, lipases, cellulases, and amylases. These enzymes aid in the breakdown of organic matter, fats, oils, cellulose, and starches, enhancing the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes and promoting cleaner water outputs.

    Eco enzymes are utilized in domestic wastewater treatment to break down organic compounds, reduce odors, and enhance the degradation of waste materials. Their use promotes sustainable practices and transforms wastewater into a safer and more environmentally friendly form.

    Ultreze Enzymes for wastewater treatment provide benefits such as enhanced degradation, odor control, improved biodegradability, cost efficiency, and environmental friendliness, optimizing the wastewater treatment process.