How Enzymes Brought About Revelations In The Textile Industry
 2 July 2021

The early humans used to wear animal skins and fur and that’s the first-ever point where the probability of textile becoming a thing could be thought of, but not in the near future at least. 

We wear different clothes on a daily basis, in fact, research shows that the average human changes at least 2-3 outfits a day, and if we count everyone and do the math I’m sure we’ll remember those days where we tried our best to hide our math grades. 

Nowadays clothes are one of the essentials that have been termed as the basic needs of a person. Textile industries worldwide produce tonnes of cloth material for garments to be made all around the world consuming various materials to get the end product to be made in the best possible way, enzymes play a huge role in this industry and not everyone is in cahoots about it. 

If we dive a bit deeper, the raw materials used to make cloth material is usually organic keeping the synthetic ones aside, these organic materials definitely come with unwanted components and filth that can simply be termed as waste. The enzymes that you will find with Ultreze are counted among the top in the Indian market when it comes to quality and effectiveness. 

Ultreze Enzymes is one of the top Indian biotech companies and have kept their name and reputation high with their world-class products. Focusing a lot on the textile industry, they have been among those who have been able to keep up with the demand and quality. 

Where And How Enzymes Are Used?

Enzymes and their usage can be seen in various stages and places in this industry and they are always in high demand, which is always a piece of good news for the enzyme industries and can prove beneficial for them. Some of the processes that enzymes are used are enzymatic de-sizing, enzymatic scouring, enzymatic bleaching, and, biopolishing. 

Enzymes have been used in textile and are counted as one of the fastest-growing markets in the world.

 Did you know that most of the finishes on denim are brought about with the help of cellulase, similarly lactases are used to decolourize and bleach textile effluents. 

Application And The Benefits That Follow

  • Enzymes act as a catalyst and also help in speeding up the process, in technical terms, it boosts the speed by decreasing the activation speed and also remain intact at the end by acting as a catalyst. 
  • Enzymes can be used in a concentration close to that of a catalyst and in near-neutral ph levels deeming them to work even in the mildest of conditions.
  • Enzymes prove to be the best remedy to be used in the war against toxic substances that are used in the textile industry and help in inching a bit closer to a safer world.
  • A lot of substracts are not affected by the use of enzymes, like in the cotton industry the enzymes won’t affect cellulose and therefore the strength of the cotton won’t be tampered with or affected by the use of enzymes.
  • Due to the requirement of optimum conditions when using enzymes, they are pretty easy to control hence making them an optimal replacement for toxic elements that were used before.
  • Enzymes are biodegradable in nature and can be discarded without any second thoughts as they don’t harm the ecosystem in any way making it one of the best options available for us to use. 

See Also: What are the Advantages of Using Enzymes in Textile Desizing?

Basic Enzymes And Where They’re Applied

Amylases in de-sizing 

Amylases are used in sizing material and setting it up for further processing i.e. dying and wrapping. Amylases took the place of oxidizing salts and corrosive material and the earlier processes of desizing that used to take place in high temperatures. Its commercial viability and the fact that the starches, later on, dissolve in water reducing any kind of waste is exactly the reason for its wide term usage.

Cellulases and the denim finish

Cellulases help in the washing down of denim where the colour of the material fabric is manipulated to give it a variable range thus increasing the product line, but in fact, this process is used to give the denim a more used look thus providing it with the USP that all denim sell by. The only alternatives other than cellulase were techniques that used sodium hypochlorite and potassium permanganate or the technique where a pumice rock is used which is an outright stone-age level approach. 

The use and rise of enzymes in the textile world have been a journey that started from 1989 and is still going, and that’s exactly where Ultreze Enzymes ups the ante by providing top class enzymes which are proven to be safe for the ecosystem.